
Gloria Richardson and CNAC:
Breaking Racial and Economic Barriers in Cambridge, Maryland


Throughout 1963, Gloria Richardson and the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee (CNAC) led escalating protests mobilizing systematically oppressed black people to target Cambridge, Maryland’s deeply segregated institutions, which included schools, banks and local businesses. The protests resulted in the Treaty of Cambridge, which laid out the steps necessary for her goal of total integration in Cambridge and broke barriers for working-class black people.

Gloria Richardson, SNCC, 1963

"The choice that Cambridge and the rest of the nation finally faces is between progress and anarchy, between witnessing change and experiencing destruction. The status quo is now intolerable to the majority of Negroes and may soon be intolerable to the majority of whites. People have called our movement the Negro Revolution. They are right. The changes for America that will flow from what Negroes throughout the country are doing shall be truly revolutionary. And we can only hope and work, and work some more, to make that revolution creative. "
-Gloria Richardson,, 1964​​​​​​​

Racial Oppression in Cambridge
